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Level 5 Craft Certificate Courses


  • Building technology

  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering

  • Plumbing & Pipe fitting

  • Automotive Engineering

  • Welding & Fabrications

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • General Agriculture

  • Fashion & Design

  • Food & Beverage Production, Sales & Management

  • Catering & Accommodation

  • Hair Dressing & Beauty Therapy

  • Sustainable Agriculture

  • Culinary Arts


  • Single & Group secretarial studies

  • Supply Chain Management

  • Human Resource management

  • Business Management

  • Accountancy

  • Sales & Marketing

  • ICT

  • Information Science

  • Banking & Finance

  • Project Management

  • Social Work & Community Development

  • Office Administration

Level 5 Craft Certificate Courses typically represent advanced vocational or technical training programs that build upon the foundational skills acquired in lower levels.
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